C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis

Friday, February 28, 2014

How to be Salt and Light in a Degrading Society

             Christians are to live in a fallen world as salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). There are many possible applications, one of which comes from the science behind salt and light. The formation of salt and the properties of light can show us how we are to exist in a fallen society.
Salt is a chemical molecule called NaCl, consisting of one atom of sodium for every atom of chlorine. The way that these two atoms bond is a significant lesson for Christians, demonstrating who and what we are meant to be. God designed this molecule to mesh perfectly together, and then used it as an example for how Christians are to act in a degrading world.            A sodium atom has one valance electron- the electron(s) in the furthest orbital- while a chlorine atom has seven. By their nature, these atoms strive to have a total of eight valance atoms. When these atoms bond o make NaCl- salt- the sodium atom gives the chlorine atom its valance electron, and thus both atoms have obtained the ideal electron configuration by each having eight valance electrons.Salt is made by one atom giving of itself for the benefit of the other. In doing so, the donator also obtains a great reward. If Christians are to act as salt in the world, they must give of themselves for the greater good. Their reward may not be earthly, but will definitely occur in Heaven.            Light is a wave of pure energy, originating in some high-powered electrical source. It goes through some objects, penetrating them to the core, shines dimly through others, and is bounced in the opposite direction by some. The white light we see is made of many different colors of light, mixed together into a glorious brightness, illuminating the world.            As light is pure energy emitted by a powerful source. Christians are called to be pur-heared, and sent out by God. We are to live our faith, which will change some lives, merely affect others, and be repelled by some. As white light is made of many colors, so the Church is made of many different people, all of whom should work together to enlighten the world in which we live.Christians are called to give of themselves, be pure, live the faith, and work together. As the world grows darker, believers must keep their beacon flashing, warning the faithless of the hidden rocks that will destroy them. In a fallen world, Christians must be salt and light.

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